Johnson County Community College Rooftop Solar Array
The Johnson County Community College selected MC Power Companies to design, engineer, procure, and construct the Student Center Rooftop Solar Array. The new array will provide an additional 85 kilowatts of DC power to its existing solar footprint. This is the second solar array the Johnson County Community College has entrusted MC Power to Engineer, Procure, and Construct, from start to finish.
The MC Power engineering team confirmed the Student Centers’ roofing, structural, and electrical infrastructures would physically and electrically support the new array. The engineering team provided client with a complete structural review, racking calculations and design, and a full set of electrical plans depicting installation. The MC Power construction team procured the system components and installed them during normal operating hours of the college without any classroom or business interruption.
Location: Overland Park, KS
Industry: Education
Mounting Option: Rooftop Mount
Services Provided
- Engineering
- Procurement
- Construction
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